Monday, July 13, 2009

It's a Boy!!!!

Bradley Robert Heckman was born 07-08-09 at 3:15 am. He weighed in a 8 lbs, 12 oz, and is 23 inches tall. He is our first grandchild, and we think he is absolutely perfect.
On another crazy note----I've decided to enroll in the Knitting Guild of America's Master Knitter Program. Call me crazy, it's okay. But I thought it would be a good learning experience. As I go, I'll let you know how I'm doing and share pictures of my swatches and projects, both good and bad!
I frequently peruse the blogs and websites of other shops across the country. Recently I came across one that determines and posts the cost-per-yard of a yarn. It seems a great idea to me, and I will gradually do the same for all of the yarns in our shop. If you are in the shop and want to know, especially for comparison shopping, I'll figure it out for you, right then and there!
I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful summer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Michele, congratulations on your new grandson! He looks adorable.

Have fun in your master knitter class. I may do that myself someday.

See you in August.
Sheila from Chicago