Saturday, January 30, 2010

My e-mail account has been stolen

My e-mail account was stolen this week, by some aweful person in Wales, UK. He/she stole my password and changed it and locked me out of my account. Then this criminal sent an e-mail to all of my contacts, as if it were from me. The e-mail stated that I was in Wales, had been mugged, and lost all of my money and credit cards. When people replied to this e-mail, they received a second one asking for money to be wired to a certain place.

I am setting up a new account and believe me, it is a process. So for now, if you need to contact me, do it by telephone. The mail is forwarded to my old personal e-mail and therefore, goes directly to the criminal. When everything is reestablished, I will let you know what my new e-mail info is.

In the meantime, please don't send any money or credit card info. It is also possible that the criminal can send you another forged message from a different person in my contact list. Please be very careful, and very suspicious for at least a while.

While I'm tempted to throw my laptop away, and go back to the Stone Age, I realize that this is not an option. I am re-educating myself about internet security and trying to find out if I am responsible for this breach in any way. I'm also trying to determine if I can prevent this from happening again in the future. So far, I haven't learned anything I didn't already know and practice. So other than changing my e-mail account and all of my passwords, there's not much else I can do.

Stay happy, and keep on knittin'!

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