Sunday, November 23, 2008

It looks like winter has arrived here in northern Michigan. Over the last several days, we've accumulated 6-8 inches of snow, and there's more in the forecast. Time to knit some warm mittens, scarves, sweaters, and socks!

No new yarns or patterns have arrived in the last couple of weeks. I've been working on the new class schedule and the models for the class projects. I've also been rebuilding the website, which should go "live" sometime this week. Look for the new class schedule on the new site. You will be able to link to this blog from the website.

One of our new class offerings will be the "Tech Square Afghan", using the booklet published by FiberTrends. The afghan is composed of twelve squares, each using a different knitting skill. Each month, we will offer a class to produce one of the squares. You may choose any or all of the classes, as you desire. This project is a great way to build or improve your knitting skills. In the spring, look for a similar lace knitting skill builder.

Thanksgiving is this Thursday. I wish you and yours a very happy holiday, with lots of laughter and good eats.

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